Returns & Exchanges


For hygiene reasons, exchange is only offered within 48hrs of recieveing a defected scarf or a wrong scarf other than the one you ordererd, provided it’s in it’s original condition, unworn and with tags on.

Please email us at within 48 hours of receipt of your order. Don’t use the product or remove it’s tags.

If upon inspection, item is found to be defected, RAPPIT will replace your order with a product of same design and color. If product is out of stock then you will receive store credit.

RAPPIT will not be able to replace your order if:

  • You don’t notify us within 48 hours of receipt of order,

  • Product has been worn or even tried on leaving perfume scent, makeup stains or pin holes,

  • Tags have been removed.


We don’t have a physical store, all orders are placed online through our website or instashop . We try as much as apossible to help you make a good decision by depecting the product as clear as possible.

Photos of models, close ups, descriptions, customer photos and reviews will all help you find the turban of choice.

Note though that there are limitations to photography as lighting differences can alter slightly the colors of the fabric. Moreover, the colors would look differently from a device screen to another and light adjustments on each device to another.

With all those limitations , we still try our best to make the colors look as close as techincally it is possible to the colors in real life.